

The disposal of industrial wastes has become an environmental concern and the public regulatory bodies are increasingly becoming involved with the establishment of water quality criteria. The Dairy Industry is one where major emphasis is put on the treatment of wastewater. A large challenge facing the dairy industry is effluent wastewater treatment for trade waste or environmental discharge compliance.

Equipments Utilized In Dairy Industry

The dairy industry is busy a day , churning out products to incorporate butter, milk, cream, cheese and lots of others. Equipments used in dairy industry  is made to spice up production and reduce the quantity of labor involved within the process. The  equipments utilized in dairy industry   handles not only manufacturing but pasteurizing, processing, storage, packaging and even transport. Common dairy equipment includes: • Exchanger • Evaporation systems • Cream churners • Storage tanks • Mixers • Heat exchangers and high-temperature equipment Dairy plants are always within the marketplace for these sorts of machines, also as necessary parts for maintenance and repairs.  equipment’s used in dairy industry   is quite helpful to dairy farms worldwide. Here are the foremost common pieces of kit and the way they're used. Dairy Homogenizer Homogenization is that the process of converting two non-soluble liquids into a stable emuls...

API for oil Removal

An API oil-water separator is a device designed to separate gross amounts of oil and suspended solids from the wastewater effluents of petroleum refineries, petrochemical and chemical plants, natural gas processing plants and other industrial sources.  The name is derived from the fact that such separators are designed according to standards published by the American Petroleum Institute (API).  The API separator was developed about 75 years ago by the API and the Rex Chain Belt Company. The API separator is normally the first, and most important, wastewater treatment step in petroleum refineries. The primary function of a properly designed API separator is to remove the majority of oil and suspended solids from refinery wastewater prior to subsequent downstream wastewater treatment processes. Krofta is a leading source for API Separator design, engineering, and manufacturing services. A well-designed, properly functioning API Separator is a tremendous piece of wa...

DAF in Slaughterhouses

The use of physical/chemical methods and also the application of contact-assisted activated sludge process are investigated. These tests were dole out in a very 310-m3/d plant. The analysis of plant performance was supported the standard of treated water created and also the value of the plant relative to every configuration.  The results show that a 2 stage dissolved air flotation units combined with contact-assisted activated sludge method would alter the plant to satisfy the discharge standards projected by the Kuwait Environmental Protection Authority.   Fat/oil/grease is reduced by concerning 84 %; suspended solids area unit reduced by concerning seventy two across the first stage DAF. The contact-assisted activated sludge reduces the ultimate effluent COD to but 250 mg/L. Finally, substantial amounts of total suspended solids area unit removed throughout the ordinal stage DAF method.  The world analysis for a well-designed and properly operated co...

Waste to Energy Solution

Turning waste into a resource with  efficient  and  property  technologies. At Effluence,  we've got   over   thirty  years of  expertise   within the   style , construction, and operation of waste-to-energy plants for  a good   vary   of commercial  and municipal  shoppers . Our proprietary anaerobic treatment technologies  method   waste  and sludge  to supply  biogas,  which might  be  accustomed   manufacture  electricity and thermal energy, or  which might  be  sublimate   to supply  bio methane for injection into the grid. Anaerobic digestion converts  an oversized   a part of  the organic carbon in biomass to biogas,  however  leaves the  gas  content.  So as   to satisfy   gas   allow  limits, fluency has developed a proprietary nitrification-denitrification...

DAF Technology

Wastewater is generated in  every   trade   and has  distinctive  treatment approaches. Before implementation of best technology for the treatment,  goodly  study  should  be done.  Careful  potential  situations  for the treatment  should  be applied  so as   to attenuate   the value  for the treatment. DAF systems  square measure  designed  to get rid of  suspended solids (TSS),  organic chemistry   gas  demand (BOD5), and oils and greases (O&G) from an  effluent  stream. Contaminants  square measure  removed through  the utilization  of a dissolved air-in-water  resolution   made  by injecting air  besieged  into a recycle stream of  processed  DAF effluent. This recycle stream is then combined and mixed with incoming  effluent  in  an interior  contact chamber...


Krofta Engineering provides all types structures,  Supply , Installation and dispatching of import making ready  equipment's , that address the difficulty of farm and completely different enterprises. The distinctive scope of import things offered by U.S.A. incorporates milk process Equipment's, oleomargarine milters, unfold softening plants, oleomargarine decays, response pots, clarified butter plants, clarified butter storage tanks, yoghurt tanks, unfold creating, steam heaters. Inward shell of ss 304, protection a hundred millimeter the of thermocole. External protection of ss 304 Standard Features: *All controls vital for operating the tank area unit contained within the nook level pitched base development with its system of supporting welded to base. *ank may be furnished  mechanical disturbance or air tumult. *Arrangement for mounting level transmitter. *Standard adornments are outlet bodily fluid delta valve, CIP shower ball, Man-route entrance w...

Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)

Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) is an efficient method used for the separation of suspended solids, oils & greases and alternative insoluble impurities from water. DAF systems use chemical pretreatment and small air bubbles to separate contaminants from water. Pretreatment of sewer water lowers total suspended solids (TSS), oils and greases, organic chemistry O demand (BOD) and metal concentrations.  A number of the DAF processed effluent is recirculated and concentrated with air beneath air mass. Once this water is free into the DAF system beneath region conditions, micro-bubbles type and carry the suspended solids to the surface for removal. Listed below are many of the applications within which a DAF system is economical and price effective. In a DAF clarifier, microscopic air bubbles ar...


Krofta introduces State of the Art Technology: NEW DAF especially designed for Paper Industry. A unique technique, far enhanced compared to circular machines SALIENT BENEFITS:  50-70% savings* in Civil Cost compared to Sedicell.  Higher capacity Product at Low Foot Print (Required lessor land space )  Much Lower running Power cost in comparison to Present DAF Technology;  Excellent Output performance;  Cheaper installation cost*  A very compact unit*
It is a well-known fact that dairy farmers are under enormous pressure to survive. However, several dairy farmers still produce milk successfully with advance  Milk Production Equipment , despite numerous challenges in the industry. If a milk producer wants to be successful, every link in the production chain must be fully functional and make financial sense. Ram Kishan, a dairy farmer and co-owner of Varsha Dairies near Meerut, says the milking parlour together with the  Milk Production Equipment   and other equipment, the cows and the workers certainly are the most important links. “The dairy farmer who succeeds in connecting these links, has the best chance of having a profitable dairy business.” Because dairy farming is a labour-intensive, seven-days-a-week business with a fixed routine, a team of well-trained, disciplined workers is vital. Cows must be milked at least twice daily and it is necessary to work after-hours. Ram says everything comes at a price a...