Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)

Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) is an efficient method used for the separation of suspended solids, oils & greases and alternative insoluble impurities from water. DAF systems use chemical pretreatment and small air bubbles to separate contaminants from water. Pretreatment of sewer water lowers total suspended solids (TSS), oils and greases, organic chemistry O demand (BOD) and metal concentrations.
 A number of the DAF processed effluent is recirculated and concentrated with air beneath air mass. Once this water is free into the DAF system beneath region conditions, micro-bubbles type and carry the suspended solids to the surface for removal. Listed below are many of the applications within which a DAF system is economical and price effective.

In a DAF clarifier, microscopic air bubbles are created and mixed with the incoming waste. The air bubbles attach themselves to the contaminants, which provides them buoyancy. The buoyant mixture of particles and air bubbles float to the surface and are removed by a skimming mechanism.

Air bubble production is achieved by pressurizing some of the clean effluent and use it back to the inflowing to be mixed with the waste stream. Because the super saturated water enters the DAF the pressure is removed and countless microscopic air bubbles are created. The bubbles become entrained within the solids, rise to the surface and kind a bed of fabric that's fatless into an isolated chamber.
  • 1.      Flexible layout choices, tailored to any size plant
  • 2.      Retrofit existing geological phenomenon basins to extend capability of existing plants
  • 3.      Ideal for membrane pretreatment since chemical compound usually isn't needed
  • 4.      Efficient for cold water clarification
  • 5.      Start-up and shut-down inside minutes
  • Hydraulic or mechanical sludge removal choices


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