DAF in Slaughterhouses

The use of physical/chemical methods and also the application of contact-assisted activated sludge process are investigated. These tests were dole out in a very 310-m3/d plant. The analysis of plant performance was supported the standard of treated water created and also the value of the plant relative to every configuration.
 The results show that a 2 stage dissolved air flotation units combined with contact-assisted activated sludge method would alter the plant to satisfy the discharge standards projected by the Kuwait Environmental Protection Authority.

 Fat/oil/grease is reduced by concerning 84 %; suspended solids area unit reduced by concerning seventy two across the first stage DAF. The contact-assisted activated sludge reduces the ultimate effluent COD to but 250 mg/L. Finally, substantial amounts of total suspended solids area unit removed throughout the ordinal stage DAF method. 

The world analysis for a well-designed and properly operated contact-assisted activated sludge method is bestowed during this paper.

The composition typically depend upon the quantity of animals killed. In India, there square measure concerning 3500 abattoirs (CPCB, 1992). Most of them discharge their effluent directly into sewers. In few cases, the waste is with chemicals coagulated and occulated before discharge into the sewers. The treatment of effluent from shambles, meat process and packing industries has been reviewed


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