Waste to Energy Solution

Turning waste into a resource with efficient and property technologies. At Effluence, we've got over thirty years of expertise within the style, construction, and operation of waste-to-energy plants for a good vary of commercial and municipal shoppers. Our proprietary anaerobic treatment technologies method waste and sludge to supply biogas, which might be accustomed manufacture electricity and thermal energy, or which might be sublimate to supply bio methane for injection into the grid.
Anaerobic digestion converts an oversized a part of the organic carbon in biomass to biogas, however leaves the gas content. So as to satisfy gas allow limits, fluency has developed a proprietary nitrification-denitrification method that doesn’t need the addition of AN organic carbon supplyThe method converts the gas of the dig estate into frothy gas while not the utilization of chemicals, and while not generating byproducts, permitting the consumer to dependably meet gas discharge limits.
Fluence has additionally developed a proprietary nitrosation–denitrosation treatment method that may be employed in cases of terribly restricted residual COD or high ammonia load. Nitrosation partly converts ammonia in gaseous gas exploitation solely 2 thirds of the energy needed by nitrification-denitrification, and is thrice quicker.
1.      On-site production of energy, which may be utilized by the shopper to cut back a plant’s electricity and gas consumption
2.      Production of high-quality, treated effluents that meet the foremost demanding allowing needs
3.      Reduction of sludge volume by up to ninetiethconsiderably reducing the quantity sure for landfills
4.      Production of a high-quality dig estate that may be utilized by farmers as a chemical
5.      Reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions
6.      100% dependability, and low operation and maintenance needs


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