Lamella Clarifier


Lamella Clarifier is a solid liquid Separator based on Sedimentation Process. The entire space in the clarifier is segregated into numerous integral sections or chambers. There are several blades fitted in the clarifier with their one side provided with settling surfaces. The operation mechanism of the Lamella Clarifier is as the following
  1. Untreated inlet Waste Water Stream enters the Lamella Clarifier.
  2. Water longitudinally transverses through feed ducts along the tank
  3. Solids are now separated and descend onto settling surface provided by the blades
  4. Slide down continues to Collection hopper.
  5. Clarified water collected all across the Lamella Clarifier Section through perforated double wall PVC Pipes.
  6. Water level maintained up to the top of internal PVC Pipes.
  7. Clarified water through the central PVC weir Tube enters the V-Notch Chamber through the bottom


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