Central-driven Conventional clarifiers

Central-driven Conventional clarifiers are traditional and trusted ways we approach wastewater treatment. Not only does it reduce maintenance costs and make the process more efficient, but it also ensures that their effluent meets the highest standards for quality.

Clarifier means a chemical that coagulates and neutralizes suspended particles in water. It can also mean coagulant or flocculent. Examples are inorganic salts of aluminum or iron, and water-soluble organic polyelectrolyte polymers.

Types of Clarifier

It ranges from primary, secondary, circular, rectangular, lamella, and solids contact clarifiers. In this blog, we aim to discuss briefly the primary and secondary clarifier in wastewater treatment and elaborate more about the secondary clarifier.                                                                                            

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Write to Us at : Krofta@kroftaengineering.com

visit us at - www.kroftaengineering.com

Durga Bhavan A-68, FIEE Complex, Okhla Industrial Area Phase – II New Delhi – 110 020.


  1. Best machineryfor wastewater treatment

  2. Just want to thank you and your fellow team members for a job well done

  3. The types of clarifiers that krofta provides are really of good quality


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