
KROFTA is one of the leading paper machinery supplier for pulp and paper industry. It supplies paper Industry equipment like spray filter, pressure sand filter, and activated carbon filter. The pulp and paper industry machines are useful in extracting the good quality of pulp from the plant fiber which is main raw material to obtain the pulp. The KROFTA paper industry equipment helps in obtaining more pulp with less plant fiber this prevents cutting down the more trees for pulp and paper industry.

The pulp and paper industry uses two types of pulp in paper manufacturing. One is obtained from the trees and the other is obtained from the recycling of the paper which we mainly get from the paper packaging industry. The production of recycled pulp is expensive as it contains recovery the paper, pulping and removing the inks and unwanted particles or waste to get the high quality of pulp from recycled paper. The KROFTA spray filter, pressure sand filter, and activated carbon filter helps in removing unwanted components in the pulping process. The growth in the paper industry equipment suppliers which produces the products like packaging papers, cardboards, hygiene paper products like tissue rolls, paper napkins and paper industry products like news prints helps in recycling of paper to get the recycled pulp.

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  1. The paper machinery that Krofta provides is of the highest caliber and performs admirably.

  2. well done Krofta


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