Dewatering System

Dewatering is a term to describe the removal of groundwater or surface water from for example a construction site. In construction, the water is pumped from wells or sumps to temporarily lower the groundwater levels, to allow excavation in dry and stable conditions below natural groundwater level.

What are the methods of dewatering?

  1. Sumps and Ditches.
  2. Shallow Well System.
  3. Deep Well System.
  4. Well Point System.
  5. Vacuum System.
  6. Cement Grouting System.
  7. Chemical Process.
  8. Freezing Process.


In which process dewatering is mostly used?

Explanation: Drainage or dewatering is the process of removing the water from the water table for the purpose of excavation for construction purpose.


What equipment is used for dewatering?
These include centrifuges, filter presses, drying beds, sludge lagoons, and gravity and low pressure devices.


Why do we need dewatering?

Natural evaporation aside, a dewatering process typically involves removing surface or groundwater from the construction site by pumping. In construction, dewatering is essential in creating drier and stable soils for site preparation and foundation excavation by temporarily lowering the surrounding water table 

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