Belt filter Press


Krofta Engineering Ltd, India Introduces a newer version, the enhanced capacity “Triple Wire Belt Filter Press” which is a COMBO UNIT (Thickener + Dewatering) Triple-Wire Belt Filter Press.

This combo unit can work even at 0.8% sludge consistency without using different thickeners for dewatering Primary & biological secondary sludge generated at Industries & municipal plants.

> In built flocculator comes as a standard supply with this new design
> Low power consumption compared to other systems.

The purpose of sludge dewatering is for waste minimization & to achieve overall cost efficiency for disposal.
This machines has several combined processes added into one unit and it involves different applications such as chemical conditioning, gravity drainage and mechanical shearing and compression effect to remove water and dry up the sludge. Today, belt filter presses are widely used and it has become a standard for general wastewater sludge application.

For more details about this unit, visit-
or mail us at-

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