Tannery industry

 Tannery industry requires efficient DAF sludge handling system for its animal fat waste products. DAF technology is widely used in animal/food processing/meat/slaughtering applications to eliminate SS (suspended solids), fats, grease and oils from various samples of wastewaters. The elevated rates of processing, lesser footprints and suppleness in procedure has always been appreciated and has taken advantage of these applications. The DAF technology utilizes air to generate micro bubbles, which help attach the solids to float onto the surface to be thrown away.

Dissolved Air Flotation is principally for solid to liquid or liquid to liquid separation. Large amount of micro bubbles produced by dissolving and discharging system stick to solid or liquid units with same density as tannery wastewater to make the entire sludge float to the surface thus attaining the purpose of solid to liquid or liquid to liquid separation. The channel of the DAF is armed with a wiper blade that sweeps the surface sludge at a controlled rate. The concentrated float is sent into a sludge discharge channel and transferred to a settling sludge tank.

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