Sludge Dewatering & How It Helps


Accumulation of residue in the sewage treatment plant is called sludge. A sewage sludge can be substantial, semi-solid, or slurry sludge material that is produced as a by-product of the wastewater treatment process. The formation of sludge also occurs due to various factor, and one of the most common factors are Tannery wastewater.

Tannery wastewater is considered one of the most polluted sources. It can lead to environmental issues related to its high organic matter, suspended solids, and chromium. A sludge is mainly classified into two categories which are Primary sludge and secondary sludge. The mud which occurs due to the chemical precipitation, sedimentation, and the primary process is called primary sludge. In contrast, secondary Sludge occurs due to the activated waste biomass resulting from the biological wastewater treatment.

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