Krofta Engineering Ltd, India introduces highly efficient & compact 2-Stage TPI/CPI Type Oil-Water Separator installed for #refinery Application.

Up to 99% free-oil reduction from a single unit.
The #TPI is an oil-water gravity separator, is suitable for oily wastewater treatment & rainwater run-off. Tilted plate oil interceptors enable high-efficiency gravity separation with corrugated plates, providing excellent treatability with a high flow rate. The simple structure makes it possible to reduce the construction cost and facilitates maintenance. Tilted plate oil interceptors are mainly used to remove bulk oil from the water.
The tilted plates are located at a short distances, providing high oil-water separation efficiency. This makes it possible to stable treat rainwater even when the amount of rainwater treated is two or even four times larger than usual
For more details about this TPI Unit, visit-
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