Oil-Water Separators

In respect of technologies, we have collaborated with leading organizations in the world. These include: AJV Engineering-Finland for Belt Presses, Stetfield Separators Ltd, the U.K for Oil-Water Separators like CPI & TPI. With the latest technologies available with us, equipment is manufactured in India, which performs and delivers expected results consistently.

Water usage by industries is increasing at an enormous rate as the industry is reliant on water for
some part of their production process, be its use as raw material, solvent, coolant, transport agent, or energy source. With the proper treatment, a significant proportion of industrial on-site wastewater can be reused. Thus, going beyond mandatory requirements, wastewater is the most reliable and economic source of water. Krofta provides industry with total water management - from pretreatment, through process water, liquid and wastewater. We market, design, and manufacture one of the broadest ranges of equipment for this sector, providing end-to-end solutions for our customer’s water and wastewater treatment requirements.
With over 1000 successful installations all over India and more than 10000 around the globe,
Write to Us at: Krofta@kroftaengineering.com


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