
 Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a water treatment process that clarifies wastewaters (or other waters) by the removal of suspended matter such as oil or solids. ... A very similar process known as induced gas flotation is also used for wastewater treatment. DAF is an alternative clarification process that uses micro air bubbles to attach and float flocculated particles and suspended solids to the water surface for removal. In contrast, sedimentation removes settled solids from the bottom

DAF systems are equipment for the separation of solid particles, fats, and oils, designed to clarify wastewater (industrial and urban) or condition surface or marine water for its subsequent treatment and reuse. This equipment separates solids, fats, and oils in the water generating highly concentrated sludge.

It's commonly used to treat paper mill effluent, industrial wastewater, and wastewater generated by oil refineries, petrochemical and chemical plants, and natural gas processing plants. Flotation is increasingly being used to treat mineral and mining wastes

Flotation is known as a separation process, based on the introduction of gas bubbles as the transport medium. Suspended particulate matter, being hydrophobic or conditioned to be so, is then attached to the bubbles and moves toward the water solution surface


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