Belt filter press type BFP..GR is specially designed to dewater sludge coming from the clarification tank. Typically concentration of sludge is 0.5 – 1.0 % DS. The flow is up to 50 m³ / 1 m belt width. The capacity depends very much on the character of sludge and therefore the dimensioning have to ask from the manufacturer.
Among the Belt Filter Press and Gravity Belt Thickener manufacturers, Krofta has always been a market leader for smart designing, user-friendly and optimum space requirement /efficiency ratio equipment.
Krofta offers a wide range of Belt Filter Presses to match any plant size, keeping in mind the following key features :
- BFP series belt press has been designed for dewatering sludge, having 3 -6 % DS.
- Twin wire Belt Press has been equipped with pneumatic belt tracking and tensioning.
- BFP Filter Belt Press has a separate belt tension system for both belts.
- BFP Filter Belt Press has continually operating wash water systems for both belts.

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