DAF system

Dissolved air flotation (DAF) methods are planned to get rid of suspended objects, biochemical oxygen requests, and oils and greases from a wastewater stream. This recycle stream is then joint and assorted with entering wastewater in an indoor contact cavity where the dissolved air comes out of mixture within the sort of micron-sized bubbles that attach to the contaminants. The bubbles and contaminants rise to the surface and form a floating bed of fabric that's removed by a surface skimmer into an indoor hopper for further handling

Biological Dissolved air flotation

Dissolved air flotation (DAF) has confirmed to be very effective for the exclusion of organic solids from wastewater streams. a number of the benefits over traditional, gravity clarification include:

• Smaller footprint and more rapid implementation

• Higher sludge solids content (4%TS vs. 1%TS) leading to a way lower sludge volume

• Aptitude to handle bulking solids that incline to hover

• More reliable effluent quality


Some of the more common biological applications include:

• Polishing effluent from aerobic ponds

• Polishing effluent from anaerobic lagoons

• Removal of algae from ponds

• Polishing effluent from high-rate anaerobic processes


How does a Dissolved air flotation system work?


Wastewater is driven into a Dissolved air flotation  system and mixed with a stream of “white-water”, which is recirculated Any solids that don’t float will sink to the bottom of the Dissolved air flotation tank.

Water from the DAF (DAF DISSOLVED AIR FLOTATION) that's super saturated with dissolved air. As these two watercourse mixes together, microscopic bubbles attach to solid particles, giving them enough buoyancy to travel to the surface of the Dissolved air flotation tank.

The simplified water flows out via either side of the Dissolved air flotation unit. A number of this water is employed within the recirculation loop while the remainder flows out of the vessel for discharge or further treatment.

Typically, with the utilization of chemical coagulation prior to the Dissolved air flotation, up to 95% reduction of TSS, BOD, FOG is often achieved or up to 75% reductions without chemicals. Dissolved air flotation is are often used as a primary step before biological wastewater treatment because it is going to remove an honest portion of the nutrient load and thus reduce the dimensions of the biological treatment system, alongside providing a good quality of effluent.


  1. Krofta Engineering Limited–India’s No 1 Leading Technology DAF

  2. The DAF system information in this post was really informative.....

  3. super technology


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