

A simple and basic concept with solid mechanical properties provides effective sewage removal and specification of heavy and oily impurities.

Unicell's melted air filter was built over sixty and as a result seventy began. Like many of the company's products, it was used for clarity especially in the paper industry. The Unicell design is designed for high water flow and the construction of concrete tanks. before the year 2000, Unicell's concept was transformed into smaller units with chrome steel tanks for use in the food industry to remove heavy oil and fuel. Specified drainage was made easier (the drainage pipes specified below disappeared) so the top slider was filled with rowing wheel to increase the ability to remove floating mud. Over the past decade the market demand for DAF's large marine and offsides has grown exponentially. This has led KWI to mix historical and up-to-date information with Unicell design and improve the concept of Unicell BF (like Big Flow). The purpose of this new concept was to provide design flexibility and opportunities to be transformed into freshwater or seawater, high or low solid content suspended, in outdoor or built-in flocculation tanks, in modular or single installations.


Great benefit

 High maintenance and simple compression design allows it to work without chemicals

 An effective and efficient mud sludge system allows for stable seating and provides high floating consistency

 Easy to clean

Primary Application

1. Removal of oil and oil without chemical treatment.

2. The Food Industrial effulents have a high level of durability

3. the hardness of the mud


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