Pressure Sand Filter


These filters are the foremost popular method for removal of turbidity from water. The Pressure Sand Filter consists of a multiple layer of sand with a spread in size and relative density . These Filters are designed to get rid of turbidity and suspended particles present within the feed water with minimum pressure drop. These Filters are bespoke to suit the method requirement. These filters are open in low-carbon steel The Pressure sand filter contains of a pressure vessel also vertical or horizontal, with a cluster of forward tube work and controllers, classified silica quartz sand preserved by coats of graded under bed containing of pebbles and gravels, a top supplier to distribute the inward water regularly through the cross unit of the filter, and an below drain arrangement to uniformly collect the filtered water.

Rare water currents down wards through the filter and because the suspended matter, which is preserved by calculation of a coagulant like alum or poly electrolyte, is booked on the sand surface and among the sand grains directly under the surface. there's steady rise within the loss of head over a period of your time and therefore the flow reduces once the pressure drop across the filter is excessive.


The filter is then taken out of service and cleaning of the filter media is caused by stream reversal also called as backwash. to help in cleaning the bed, the backwash operation is usually preceded by air scouring by way of agitation through the under drain system. The air cleaning tosses the sand with a cleaning action, which loosens the seized particles. The filter is now able to be replace into service.




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