Leather wastewater


The production of leather goods, leather goods, leather sheets, and wool produces a wide range of products, composite waste, high amounts of wastewater containing in contrast to most impurities and emissions. The uncontrolled issue of wastewater runoff from natural cans increases the health risks of citizens and pollution. Materials used from new skin care products, which produce wet greens, skin coverings, or finished skin contain trivalent chromium mixtures and sulphides in many cases. Biological and other materials are responsible for higher BOD and COD values   and represent a greater burden of pollution, resulting in technological problems, sophisticated equipment, and higher costs associated with pollution treatment.

Provides a summary of water supply for each of the distribution activities during the dry season. Calculating the type of technology used (standard or advanced) water use varies greatly. The deliberate technology will be expanded in comparison with conventional methods including procedures commonly referred to as small waste disposal technology or cleaning technology. Especially in arid regions, where the water system is limited, this factor plays a very important role. Disassembly, Blowing 7-11 2.0 Heating 3-5 0.5 Backing 7-13 3.0 Removal 1-3 0 Total 34-56 12 In addition to water pressure for different treatment procedures, a certain amount of water is used to hide dryers, detergents, or cleaners and purposes. the same. The minimum required capacity is 2-3 m3 / t rawhide under good house maintenance conditions. Wastewater treatment The lubricant industry is one of the oldest industries in the world and therefore the problem with the treatment and disposal of such waste is probably old because of the industry itself.

. There are cases where the genital skin uses all the contaminated water treatment measures described below on site. In some cases genital skin can only be used (on-site) for pre-surgical treatment or pre-initiation treatment in the neighborhood or there is no minimal treatment, which sends the contamination to the central contamination treatment facility. However, treatment is important due to the wide selection of toxic substances in the environment caused by untreated skin debris.

The following treatment steps are necessary and can be described in detail afterwards:

• Mechanical treatment

• Dirty treatment

• Post-cleaning, water column and sewage management


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