pulp and paper industry

 As one of the most important industrial sectors within the world, the pulp and paper industry

has an enormous influence on global forests.

In this sector around 40 percent of all industrial wood traded globally which incorporates products like office and catalog, glossy, tissue and paper-based packaging

Responsible pulp and paper operations can bring many benefits to local economies, people and forests particularly in rural areas..

Many pulp and paper companies are showing leadership in responsible forestry and plantation management as well as in clean producing processes and reused content.

Large amount of an unacceptable ecological footprint leaves on earth by some companies within the pulp and paper industry.

Establishment of pulp plantations on converted natural forests, and irresponsible harvesting from natural forests, can threaten fragile ecosystems and species, and cause erosion .

Some proposed new pulpwood plantations and mills threaten natural habitats in regions with high conservation values and high rates of illegal logging.


Impacts related to unsustainable pulpwood production can negatively impact climate,

carbon is released from deep peatlands that are changed to pulp plantations such as in Sumatra.

In addition, pulp and paper production is among the world’s most energy -intensive industries.

It requires large amount of water supply to produce pulp and paper. In fact, the pulp and paper industry is that the single largest consumer of water utilized in industrial activities in developed countries.

Paper mills can also discharge many pollutants in surrounding water bodies, which causes damage to aquatic ecosystems and threatens the health of individuals that live near the mill.

New technology has substantially reduced water emissions from many mills, and much of companies are showing leadership during this area.

Paper is made through the following processes:

1) Pulping procedure are going to be done to separate and clean the fibers

2) Refining procedure are going to be followed after pulping processes

3) Dilution process to make a skinny fiber mixture

4) Formation of fibers on a thin screened

5) Pressurization to enhance the materials density

6) Drying to eliminate the density of materials

7) Finishing procedure to supply an appropriate surface for usage

Pulp and Paper industry is facing several challenges:

The demand for domestic wood supplies by end-users like bioenergy companies is increasing.

Increasing the mobilization of wood during a sustainable manner and developing new technologies for further optimizing the added value from raw materials through the cascading use of wood would help to match wood supply and demand.

The consumption of graphic paper is reducing, due to digitalization.


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