Krofta clarifiers have retention times as low as 3 minutes and with a possibility of resource recovery in some cases as opposed to the sedimentation methods characterised by very long retention times. Krofta, is the world leader in this field having more than 1200 installations running successfully all over the world.

Salient Features / Benefits Of Krofta DAF Clarifiers Are:
- Total steel fabrication and negligible civil work facilitating relocation, if needed.
- Ease of installation, can be installed in tier system.
- Sludge from the Krofta DAF has a solid content of 2-3% resulting in two major advantages:
- Low cost of Installation, heavy supports and costly civil work is not required.
- Very low space requirement, the units are stackable.
- Very high clarification efficiency of suspended solids, 95% to 98% in most of the cases.
- High clarity of liquid, less than 30 ppm of filterable solids in clarified water.
- High sludge consistency (2-3%), Enabling easy disposal and needing less area.
- Ease in relocation, the relocation of the units is easy and convenient.
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