Features of Textile Industry in Bangladesh

The significance of the material business inside the economy of Bangladesh is amazingly high for an all-encompassing time. There are numerous explanations behind its significance. The majority of the individuals don't know which material industry is and which pieces of clothing industry is. Normally turning, coloring, printing, completing the process of, weaving enterprises are called material industry. Articles of clothing industry, I mean ready made pieces of clothing (RMG) industry incorporates knitwear and attire industry. Material ventures likewise are called in reverse linkage of RMG industry.

Krofta Engineering Provides.

•    Low-cost and high-quality products that are produced on time, reliably and very competitively with a skilled work force.

•    A unique regional location for expansion into key Asian and other markets.

•    Clusters of companies providing a local supplier base with depth in skilled labor, training, and technical development facilities.
. Low Installation cost.
. Required Minimum Space for Installation.

Cotton, yarn, and other garment and textile inputs; Garment and textile production equipment; Chemicals; Fire and Building Safety Equipment; Fashion and design consulting and services.
Bangladesh has also begun efforts to move up the value chain and to produce more capital-intensive products, including footwear and more complicated garments.

Amid pressure from international retailers as well as the U.S. government and European Union, many Bangladeshi factories have improved their safety standards and compliance norms.  This has also created an opportunity for exports of safety equipment.

The substantial infrastructure needs offer opportunities for U.S. infrastructure development and engineering services.  Many of the donor-funded .infrastructure projects require foreign consultant services.  While Asian firms are sometimes more cost-competitive in construction work, government and private firms have turned to U.S. consultants for specialized engineering and construction oversight for major infrastructure projects including a road, bridges, highways, land and sea ports, oil refinery and grain silo projects. 


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