Get world-class petroleum and sedicell equipment with kroftaengineering.

Papers mills are highly water-consuming plants and produce tons of wastewater every day. Wastewater treatment can be done with the Sedicell equipment of Krofta engineering. Our Sedicell equipment is very effective in wastewater treatment from paper mills and other plants. With this equipment, we can separate fiber present in the effluents and after this fiber and treated water can be used for different purposes. 

Sedicell mechanism is based on the sedimentation of the fibers based on their density. Most of the fibres come on the surface of the water and rest settle down depending on their density. The fiber removed are of high quality and are reused n different plants as a raw material to synthesize different types of products.

Petroleum equipment and manufacturing company

Paper mills have reduced water consumption in recent years

          In 1980 it was 250 cubic meter per ton of paper          In 1990 it came down to 100 cubic meters per ton of paper          In 2000 it again drop down to 50 cubic meters per ton of paper

 Compared to developed nations in world water consumption in paper mills is too high and they discharge tons of effluents every day. They can use sedicell of Krofta engineering to treat the same before discharging.

Water is not only being polluted by paper mills but also by petrochemicals and oil refineries too. With the increasing demand in petroleum products, the demand for Petroleum industry equipment manufacturing is also driving up. The demand for these equipment increases when there is high demand for petroleum products and reduces with a drop In the demand.

oil extraction machine price in india

Equipment for Petroleum industry manufacturing includes

          Equipment for oil and gas field drilling          Equipment for oil and gas field searching          Drilling rigs and parts that are portable          And many more drilling equipment

Krofta engineering is a major producer and seller of Petroleum equipment that is needed to drill oil or gas and selling them. You can visit our site if you are in search of them call us at:- (+91)-11-47242500. We ensure you that our products are designed and developed keeping in mind international standards. We have hundreds of satisfied clients throughout the world.


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