Start Your Own Oil Workshop

Oil extraction has always been a profitable business. Till even the previous century, many of the bigger landlords who had farmers tilling their land for varied agricultural crops, also had their own oil press within their compounds. This was beneficial for them both ways. It ensured that they had the best quality oil for personal use, and they earned money from the sale of the surplus oil. In certain cases, they would even allow people to bring their own edible seeds like mustard, linseed, sunflower seeds, groundnuts, sesame, and coconuts from which oil was extracted. They earned from the processing of the oil.

Ensuring Both Health and Wealth

You too don’t need a very large area to start your own edible oil workshop. Get in touch with the right kind of oil extraction machine manufacturers who will understand your specific requirements before they recommend any model. They will ask whether you need only a cold press oil machine, or whether you need an oil expeller. With people getting increasingly health conscious, they would be willing to pay a marginally higher price for edible oil - be it mustard oil, groundnut oil, rice bran oil, or safflower oil - when they are assured of no additives or chemicals in the oil they are buying. 

Whichever oil extraction machinery manufacturer you deal with, ask several questions about whether there are any options for putting any of their machines to multiple use.

Fresh off the press has a ready made market: The advantage of edible oil fresh off the press is the enhanced taste and flavor. You also need to use smaller quantities of such oils in your cooking. Local markets, restaurants, schools which run a kitchen for day boarders, and homes are a natural market for your edible oils. Not just edible oils; you can even extract essential oils which have medicinal value.

Catering to the Big Players Too

The days of individual players in the fossil fuel industry are gone. The corporate giants now run it. The petroleum industry requires drillers and oil extractors more than the other industries. Krofta Engineering caters to these big players too. Since they have been in the business of petroleum industry equipment manufacturing for decades, they understand the specifics which could make the difference between optimal extraction, and losses. Since petroleum crude oil is extracted from dry land, and sea bed, the kinds of extractors required for both naturally vary though both require giant drilling machines. Oil rigs require durable platforms, large reservoirs or tanks where the crude can be stored before being transferred for processing. They also manufacture the kind of oil processing machinery you might require.

Look no further: You don’t want the kind of oil presses, extractors, expeller, and processors which collapse after a few months of use; or need the services of a mechanic because some function has become temperamental. So, if you are looking for machinery which is sturdy enough last a long time;superb service; and competitive prices - you are in the right place.


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