DAF technology for wastewater treatment solutions

Here at Krofta Engineering Limited, we understand that proper, reasonably priced industrial wastewater treatment is important to the good organization and overall success of your everyday process. Out of place treatment can lead to valuable process water going down the drain in addition to costly violations of local publicly owned treatment works (POTW) and environmentally friendly regulations.
While our custom-engineered industrial wastewater treatment solutions are some of the most reasonably priced and cutting-edge in the industry, we become conscious we might not be the best fit for everyone and believe it’s of great magnitude for our potential customers to be aware of the available options when searching for solutions.
Krofta Engineering is a chemical organization that combines science and technology to provide innovations that help the company’s customers produce and take care of clean water and energy and increase productivity. Krofta Engineering is an international leader in the industry of developing advanced DAF technology. We have superlative engineers and guarantee to provide end-to-end solutions meeting the customer’s requirements of wastewater management. Their selling range from chemical to agro sciences and plastics. Filter at your industrial unit for removing organic compounds and take out free chlorine from water. The water processing group is a world leader in exchange and membranes for water purification.

What Krofta Engineering Offer
Krofta Engineering offers various filtration devices for the removal of suspended solids, bacteria, and other particulates. Their selection of ion exchange gamboge and adsorbents can help remove specific waste product selectively. We design, manufacture, and market the broadest range of wastewater treatment equipment of various sizes.
We design Corrugated and Tilted Plate Separators to offer economical removal of solids and oils from the wastewater. The principle of tilted and corrugated plate separators based on the difference in the specific gravity between the two phases of liquid.  The best design of our machine with multiple layers of separation reduces the surface area requirement.
Employ customized ActivatedCarbon Filter at your industrial unit for removing organic compounds and extracting free chlorine from water.

How we meet the varying requirements of different industrial units?
Activated Carbon filter is a method of detached out that uses a bed of stimulated carbon to take out chemicals and uncleanness, using chemical preoccupation. Each element of carbon provides a large surface area structure, allowing waste product the maximum possible bringing to light to the active sites within the filter media.
There is also many different methods you are able to use when it comes down to wastewater treatment such as aeration, filtration, sedimentation, chemical treatment, and also intake filtering. The most simply and easiest method out there is actually called intake filtering however this method is not very effective and alone it cannot make the water safe to drink. It is better to use a method called intake filtering which will remove every single piece of debris and containment out of the water using a wide array of different kinds of important screens so that the water will be clean and safe for you to drink and to use.
If you are looking for the best process for water clarification applications in your paper industry, the Super cell clarifier designed by our designers will affluently meet your requirements. We have clarifiers of different sizes with excellent functionalities. Place the order for the best grade clarifies and witness the credibility of our incredible products!
We also design and manufacture Sedicell clarifies with robust features allowing effective removal of floatable and settable solids from the potable water ensuring high clarity. Within 30-40 minutes, the flocculated solids float on the surface while the solid particles settle down at the bottom and discharge the clear water into an adjustable weir.
We deliver advanced solutions to meet the increasing requirements in industrial spaces
Krofta Engineering is in the wastewater treatment business from 1983, and it ensures to deliver the best DAF- dissolved air flotation technology to meet the increasing requirement of wastewater treatment at different industrial units. Visit www.kroftaengineering.com to learn more about us!


  1. Excellent and decent post. I found this much informative, as to what I was exactly searching for. Thanks for such post and please keep it up.
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  2. This technology is really very good and it was much required.


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