Dissolved Air Flotation Helps To Clarify All The Impurities From Water

As it is always recommended that you should always drink pure and healthy water. Freshwater help s you to stay fit and healthy. If you drink the water that contains excess amounts of che micals or microorganisms in it, t hen you can get the wat er borne disease s. Yes, there are lots of water borne illnesses that can happen in the life of the human being. Just due to drinking of impure water only. So there is a technique named Dis solved Air Flotation ( DAF ) . This is one of the best technology to remove all the suspended matters that include the oils or the solids. Krofta Engineering introduced this technique . In this treatment, only the most important part is being played by a Centr al Driven Clarifier and the Tpi- Cpi -Oil Water Separator . These two things are generally used to separate the waste materials from the water and always used to provide pure water. ...